Special ASD-West DEC Meeting onGovernance Reform Initiative
Special ASD West DEC Meeting on Governance Reform Initiative (Participants: ASD W DEC, DM, ADM, EECD Staff) April 21, 2022 What is wrong with the current model ? Why can we not fix it? Consult
CSBA raises concerns about rushing education reforms and impact on local authority
CSBA raises concerns about rushing education reforms and impact on local authority The Canadian School Boards Association recognizes troubling issues with the New Brunswick government’s review of options that could effectively remove local authority over educational decision-making. CSBA also questions the government’s decision to create pressure on educators in rushing the development of a new…
Succeeding at Home:
A green paper on education
in New BrunswickSucceeding at Home: A green paper on education in New Brunswick New Brunswick Education Summit What is a green paper? A green paper is a document that offers the public and stakeholders a range of ideas and policies to consider. This green paper offers ideas on how to make our education system, from birth to…