
Parent School Support Committee




Provide suggestions and recommendations from parents, community, students, and school staff to the school administration to help them make school-related decisions.


PSSC members do not have individual authority, but work collectively to help in the following areas:

- Assist the director with educational matters

- Develop and monitor the school improvement plan

- Review school performance report

- Help develop school policies

- Communicate with the DEC

- Contribute to the hiring of the director and assistant directors

- Contribute to the performance evaluations of the director and assistant directors


Where does my PSSC fit into the education system?

Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (EECD) sets provincial standards and expectations for achievement.

District Education Council (DEC) provides policy and oversight to ensure schools are operating effectively and efficiently, and that the decisions at the district level reflect community needs and desires.

Parent School Support Committee focuses on the education priorities and improvement for your school.

Report to school principal

PSSCmust advise the school principal regarding the establishment, implementation and monitoring of the school improvement plan, which may include:

a) strategies to protect and promote language and culture;
b) the mission of the school;
c) strategies for establishing school policies regarding education, language and culture;
d) communication strategies between the school and the families;
e) strategies for establishing partnerships with the community;
f) strategies for creating a climate and conditions conducive to improving the quality of learning and teaching in schools;
g) strategies for creating a positive climate for students in the school, and
h) strategies to improve school assets and encourage community use of the school.


In addition, it performs the following tasks:

- participates in the choice of the director and deputy director of the school;

- reviews the results of the school performance report;

- advises management on the development of school policies;

- contributes to the evaluation of the performance of the principal or the vice-principal on matters relating to the functions of the committee;

- it advises the school principal of the control of the contributions of resources by the parents.



Each PSSC has ​​6 to 12 members, namely:

  • a majority of parents of pupils enrolled in the school or representatives appointed by these parents;
  • a teacher designated by the teaching staff of the school;
  • a student from the school (in secondary school, the student is elected by the students of the school; in elementary school, the PSSC can appoint a student from the school as a member);
  • one or two people as community representatives may be appointed by the PSSC;
  • a Parents’ Committee can appoint a parent of a student enrolled in the school to be part of the PSSC.

A member of the CED may participate in the meetings.

The school principal is not a member of the CPAÉ but must attend all committee meetings.