
Launch of a brand-new Web platform

The Council of New Brunswick District Education Councils and the Fédération des conseils d’éducation du Nouveau-Brunswick are pleased to present a brand-new Web platform, developed jointly, to inform about changes in school governance that are currently taking place.

This website is an essential tool to demonstrate the strength and willingness of both linguistic communities to maintain universally elected education councils that are independent of government. This independence allows the community to influence the operation of the school system. You will find information that will help you in your reflections on the subject.

The New Brunswick District Education Councils were created to provide an opportunity for the community to actively participate in the governance of the school system. Democratically elected members are responsible for the direction, priorities and operation of their school district.

If you are concerned about the future of the education system in New Brunswick, contact the MLA or elected representative of your local District Education Council.